Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Road trip to Mont Saint Michel

Hello my loves! I am so sorry for going this long without updates! So much has been going on it was difficult for me to get myself to sit and write but I have kept everything updated in my journal and images to allow me to remember. 

I was under the weather for a few days after St. Patricks Day, I've adjusted to the cold but my body seems to disagree. So I sat in my apartment for almost 4 days with a bad flu. School has been a little disappointing. Long story short, (to be kind) my professor is such a nice lady but I'm not thrilled with her lazy teaching strategy, so I'm in the process of having my classes switched.  

St. Patricks day was a blast, we went to a pub that a friend of ours from school works at and had the infamous "green beers" all night and sang to Scottish music. 

So last weekend we decided to take a road trip to Normandie to visit Mont Saint Michel. It felt surreal! Almost like i was on a movie set. I couldn't grasp that I was standing right in front of something that dates back centuries and centuries, that all started in year 708! I read up on the history of Saint Mont Michel, so to actually be standing inside of this huge palace like church was something so astonishing. 

Hope you all enjoy this mini movie, for some reason it wouldn't allow me to upload it on here so here's the direct link if you'd like to check it out....

The next day we visited the beaches of Deauville in freezing cold temperatures, but it was beautiful none the less. I made the most of it and collected some of the biggest seashells I've ever seen. Then we warmed up to some Vin Chaud (basically a warm version of Sangria) it was yummy. 

Well I know this is short one, but I just wanted to update you all. I promise I'll try to make a habit of posting more. I just don't want it to be boring, I'm sure it wouldn't have been much of thrill to read an update on me being stuck in bed with a flu haha. Well it's late, I have a long day tomorrow with school and an Art Gallery opening I was invited to. Should be fun, Bonsoir!


Thursday, March 7, 2013

Montmartre & The Sacred Heart

(Yes, I know its noisy and you can barely hear me but bare with me...)

Hello again my loves! So I'm finishing up my second week here in Paris and it has been very eventful! I wanted to visit the more artsy side of Paris and I was told Montmartre was the place to see. Although they failed to mention the mission it was going to take me in order to get there.

The thing about Montmartre is that it's on a hill north of Paris and its the highest point of Paris. So once we exit the train, you climb stairs.... stairs...stairs.... turn the corner....and oh yeah, MORE STAIRS! I'm sure my butt will thank me later for it. But once you get to the top it is WAY well worth it. A little fun note for all you art fans out there, Salvador Dali, Vincent van Gogh and Pablo Picasso all had studios and worked in that area. It blew my mind! I'm definitely going back for a Dali exhibit I saw posters around the city that they're having soon. Well none the less, I sat outside a cafe, drank a French Coffee (espresso/Cognac/with whip cream) and just enjoyed the moment. I watched the artist just paint and do what they love. And tried to ignore the fact my waiter kept calling me his girlfriend haha. 
(I'm breathing quite heavy, but take into consideration that it was the 3rd flight of stairs we had to climb after walking up a hill...)

So proceeding on, right next to it is Sacre-Coeur Basilica (The Sacred Heart of Paris). An enormous Cathedral Church on top of the hill. I was standing on the side thinking it was it, until I walked around the corner and saw the front. Walking inside was a tremendous feeling, it was so big and beautiful. It looked like the Cathedrals where only royalty is aloud to attend, if that makes any sense. There's stairs in the front where people just sit on and take in the view of Paris which you can see all of. I felt as if I were just looking at the world from up there. Im so upset I could have sworn I took that image but I guess I didn't.

So last weekend we went to a new club called Le Club 79. It had just been open for a week and so we went to go check it out with friends. It was really nice, different with the naked dancers, but nice. We stayed till 5 am, that was when my feet gave up from all the dancing, I could literally not stand anymore!

So today it was such a beautiful night, I couldn't resist, I had to go back to the Eiffel Tower for a drink. We walked Trocadero Street, sat at a cafe with the view of the Tower in front of us and just enjoyed. I have to add, oddly for it being Paris, they have the most delicious Mojitos here. I know weird, but I don't know, they just do. Anyways, we watched the tower light up, finished our drinks and made our way back home.

Much more to come, our next adventure is to Versailles! Another thing to cross off of my bucket list and something I've been dreaming about for years! I can't begin to express just how much I'm in love with life I am right now, and happy to be sharing it all with anyone who's willing to read about it. So until my next post... Bonsoir!
