Monday, April 15, 2013

Paris update...

I want to start off first with how terribly saddened I am about the bombing in Boston. I may be way over here but I do check every so often and my heart breaks to know of such tragedies. My prayers go out to all the victims and families involved today...

So again, I go along time without writing much. But to be quite honest, I've spent the last couple of weeks trying to get well adjusted. The "honeymoon" phase has well surpassed, and now its time to get serious..... well almost.

School has been quite difficult, I spent 2 weeks trying to switch my classes because I was not happy with the first professor I was assigned to. Lets just say she was lazy, and that's me being completely nice. So I had to go through emails with the director of the college, and meetings. Long story short, I was able to switch and couldn't be more content.

I've been just enjoying the fact that I'm here. I've met a few people, taken every chance I've had to just go out and explore. I find the most simplest things to do out here are the most enjoyable. 

Me and my roommate have had quite the "adventures." Time to time we tend to over exceed the "fun factor" (aka booze nights), but hey... in my defense you only live once and how many times are you going to able to say "I lived in Paris?" And if you think about it, most of the intelligent writers and Artist of all time (like Ernest Hemingway, Scott Fitzgerald, Picasso and Gertrude Stein) lived in Paris for years and all of their most brilliant work came from complete inebriation! Ok, I'm not going try and make excuses here for my booze nights out. But on serious note, being here has opened my mind in a much broader sense then before and I can understand why some people just need to be somewhere completely different out of their "norm" to get a sense of life, and a sense of the world. 

Ok, so I'm not some party animal, but I do enjoy my Jameson on the rocks from time to time. A girl can have a little fun right? The other night me and the rommie decided to take a little trip down to Place De La Concorde to Buddha Bar. Fancy place, and I don't recommend unless you're willing to cough out 20 euros for EACH drink (thats $26 in US). But the atmosphere, you got to love it! 

That's also right next to the Luxembourg Gardens, very beautiful if you're just looking to take a nice stroll. It also happens to be where the book shop I go to buy my weekly read is located. Laduree, my most favorite dessert stop is also around the corner. Most yummy macaroons in the city! 

Yesterday had to have been the best weather yet! It was 75 degrees, and you know what that means... "When the sun is out, the Cali girls come out and play!" Me and the roomie grabbed a blanket, packed the whisky, stopped by for some french baguettes and headed over to the Eiffel Tower for a picnic. It was such a beautiful day for it, I even took a little nap because it felt so good (the Jameson also was a factor in it). 

The clip starts off us walking to the lawn (excuse my language, I kept loosing Ashley) then us settling in.... then us after we finished the whisky. Nothing like a little Celia Cruz while snoozing under the Eiffel Tower, totally random, but it's how we roll :)

We had dinner at Frogs, which is an American place down the street. Continued on with a pitcher of the darkest beer they had, along with 4 shots of raspberry vodka. Hey, it came with the pitcher, no judging! Anyhow, on our way back I behaved very badly, well not so bad. I attempted to sneak onto the metro without paying and was caught. I don't recommend it, just follow the rules and that's all I'll say about that...

Well my loves, until I have something interesting to post again, there's a bed with my name on it! I have class tomorrow and I'm beat! Bon nuit!


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