Thursday, February 14, 2013

1st Day in Panama

Happy Valentines Day my loves! For all those with or without a significant other, I still send you all my love.

So wow! What I cant say? I am literally in paradise. My first day was an amazing one at that. When I landed I was so happy to get off that flight! 7 1/2 hours of on and off sleeping and watching movies just made me anxious! 

But I was greeted at the gate by so many people who flew in for my sisters wedding that it was all setting in, let the festivities begin!

The trip to the Trump Ocean was so much fun! About 20 of us got in a shuttle bus, and drove through the city to get to the hotel. Once we all got there, I was amazed, the hotel is like a dream by the ocean. My room is amazing. I have a beautiful balcony view and A tub in the middle of the room, its pretty great lol. 

For dinner, we all got right back on the bus and shuttled on over to a place we had reservations for, I forgot the name of the place :-/ BUT we all ate good food, had amazing cocktails, and cheered to the soon to be bride and groom. It was quite the warm and welcoming night.

Here's a little clip of the bus ride to the restaurant ...

We continued the "party" afterwards in my sisters suite. We couldn't make up our minds and had no clue what to do with the rest of our night, so we all hung out had some drinks and good laughs. 

I got in pretty late last night, so I overslept and missed breakfast. But to my defense, even though breakfast here ends at 11, technically its 8 am on my time lol. I met everyone down by the pool afterwards, its something I wanted to do the minute I arrived. The pool overlooks the ocean so I was not going to miss out on that! Right bellow I'm in the green, my sister (and bride to be) in the hat, my cousin Yemila in the pool with her Pina Colada and probably the most intelligent 9 year old I ever met Stella (the flower girl).

Well my loves, I'll probably take another nap in a little while. I have to be down in the lobby dressed and ready by 6:30. So until my next post, I send you all my love!



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I Love it! Very well done.
    Quote of the night: "I want to have some Panamanian beer, that's like the first thing, Balboa, got to try something." --- The Bruce
    Keep posting prima!
