Tuesday, February 12, 2013


Hello out there my loves! I'm very new to writing a blog, but after conversations I've had with friends, it was brought up that maybe I should start writing in "diary like" form to document my upcoming adventures. So to give you a brief explanation of where I'm going with this, I'll try and break it down... 

2012 was quite the memorable year, not exactly in a positive way but lets just say I couldn't be more happy to put that year behind me. Being how not so great (and thats an understatement) it was, I still kept my head high, smiled when I wanted to break down and worked harder then I ever had before. I did my best to try and be positive about a lot of situations, and lets just say good things come to those who wait. 

I was given the opportunity to take four months and move to Paris, France and just LIVE LIFE! Learn the language and take in the culture. I can't even begin to express how blessed I am to just be able to say I'm going to Europe. It's definitely something I've only ever dreamed of, and just like everyone else would say, "yeah, I'm going to go one day." Well that day is here! You're only young once, and I know if I didn't jump on this opportunity now, I never would. 

So that being said, I'm very excited to document and share my entire adventure with anyone who is interested to read about this incredible journey I am about to embark on. Of course it's no fun without images and videos, so I will be taking and making a lot of them to share as well.

I will start this journey off with one pit stop in Panama City, Panama. I leave tonight and the reason for this is my little sister is getting married!!! So I guess you can say to start off this blog of mine, I will begin with Erika & Anthony's (my soon to be brother-in-law) road to the altar.... Kind of catchy, I think I'll use that title exactly. 

So to end my first entry, I hope you all enjoy my blog and keep checking in for updates. So much LOVE to you all....
