Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Bonjour Bienvenue!

Bonjour! I have arrived in Paris, France. It's been 3 days now and all I can say is it was l'amour au premier site (love at first site). This is truly the most beautiful city in the world! 

I spent an 11 hour flight from LAX to London. I had a 2 hour layover and then jetted to France. There, my lovely friend Ashley was there to greet me. We traveled about an hour and a half on the metro to get to the apartment. It seemed like a good idea at first, but dragging 3 pieces of 50 lb luggage up and down stairs was not exactly a good call. Luckily, along the way, there were very nice gentlemen who helped with the stair situation, "Mercy."

The first night I spent settling in, I unpacked, and we walked down the street to grab a bite. It was snowing so I just spent the evening taking it all in. 

(Yes I know, I said "Hola" to the policemen instead of "bonjour")

It was brought to my attention that across the street was the stadium David Beckham now plays soccer for, some eye candy perhaps? 

The 9 hour difference is not the easiest to get adjusted to. First night wasn't so bad, since I had been up most of the day. We started off by heading over to the school to finish my registration. Needless to say, we both forgot our student Visas. Nice job right? Well we decided to head back and just try again the next day. We went home, I took a 2 hour nap, BAD IDEA, and when I woke up we got ready and headed out.

The stop of the night was at Tocadero, where I witnessed probably the most beautiful site I have yet to see....

Amazing right!? It was more breath taking at midnight when it lid up, the only way I can describe it is like swarovski crystals on drugs! It was such a site and I advise everyone to put it on a bucket list. We had dinner at a place called FROG. Very trendy, nice wait staff, but they've never heard of RANCH! "A" for effort though because they attempted to make some from scratch for us.

The next day I felt the jet lag very bad. I was woken up early to go back to the school, long story short everything was taken care of. A friend of Ashley's picked us up and we went down more into the city to look at the shops. We drove by the Notre Damn Cathedral, I'm definitely going back! 

Once back home we decided we were in need of major groceries, but we soon realized we had no clue where the market was, so we stopped at the small store around the corner. Lets just say I'm happy we chose that store because carrying all those bags just down the street was a mission (there we go again thinking its a good idea until we actually do it.)

Today Ashley wanted to take me to go walk the Champs Elysees and see one of Paris most famous monuments the Arc de Triomphe ...

We decided to stop in a coffee/pub on the side and have a nice hot Irish coffee to warm us up, Paris
is quite cold right around now, but I feel I've gotten quite well adjusted to it. What's not 
to like when there's nothing but beauty surrounding you? 

I will close this entry now by just saying how enjoyable this has all been so far. I still can't
believe I am where I am. I feel truly blessed and full of joy from the minute I wake till the 
moment I lay down to rest. Tomorrow holds another eventful day, and I can't wait to 
share it all with you soon. 

Until then, bonsoir!


1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing the vids. Amazing shots! Have a blast but be careful out there!!
