Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Erika & Anthony's road to the altar!

Hello my loves! Wow, it has been quite the whirlwind of a week. I want to start off by first apologizing for not updating, the resort we stayed at has no wifi! I know can you imagine?! I had no communication with the outside world for almost 5 days. I'm not going to complain to much though, I was in paradise!

Well I believe last I updated it was the first night. The second night we all got right back on that tour bus and went to eat some real authentic panamanian food. The place was great and delicious! 

We spent the rest of the night by the pool at the Trump Ocean and my sisters suite, since the boys decided to take Anthony on one last boys night out haha. 

The next morning it was off to the Royal de Cameron Resort! We all got on an even BIGGER bus and drove the 2 hours over to the coast. We made a pit stop on the side of the road in the middle of nowhere for a bathroom break and some food! And I must say, probably the best food of the trip! I also got to see exotic birds and have a coconut cut down from a tree to drink it. 

By the time we all arrived to the resort we were excited. It was breath taking and more beautiful then I imagined. We were greeted by music, dancers, and shots of Panamanian tequila! As soon as all of us checked in we went to our rooms to freshen up and meet for dinner. 

After dinner they had a carnival type show, it was great! They brought my sister and anthony up on stage and the dancers gave them a little "dance." Then it was off to the discoteca! That's all I really remember about that night, the next thing I remember is being woken up and being told I was late to rehearsal! The bride was not to happy with me momentarily, but the heat was taken off of me quite quick when the best man lost the ring! Sorry to put him on blast, but it's something we can all laugh at now...

We eventually all got ourselves in order and everything came together perfect. By the time I arrived to my sisters room she looked absolutely beautiful! We put the finishing touches on each other and then the photographer showed up to take pictures. Afterwards my father showed up to escort my sister down to the ceremony, there was a decorated golf cart waiting for them outside. As soon as she walked out of the room everyone just looked at her in awe. 

I was dropped off at the ceremony by one of the shuttles and everything seemed ready to go. It all looked like a dream. The ceremony was perfect! It went so smoothly, the music, the performer, even the surprise at the end when a machine showered everyone in flower pedals. It was all amazing. 

The reception was even better, Anthony and Erika walked in as husband and wife to the song "that's amore" by Dean Martin and everyone just sang along to it, it was a very happy and warm moment. We all had our dinner, we got to choose from 4 different courses. The champagne toast could have been better, I had no speech and the minute I opened my mouth I sobbed like a baby! I got through it, thats all that matters. The best man lightened up the mood thank goodness. Afterwards, for the first dance, was a huge surprise. Straight out of a movie, I wish my camera hadn't of died. They walked out to the beach and stood in the middle of a heart, all of sudden giant sparkler fireworks shot up from the heart and their first dance began to "cant help falling in love" by Elvis. Yes, I cried again... Right before the party really started the guest were treated to a huge firework show on the beach, it was quite beautiful. Afterwards we all put our party masks on and the party started with panamanian carnival music... The party went on all night... It was truly one of the best gatherings I've ever had as one big family and welcoming another family into ours. 

The next day it was all about rest and relaxation. We laid by the beach all day, jumped in the pool for a bit. At night we went down the road for dinner, afterwards we went to the discoteca again but didnt stay long since we all planned to go on a "booze cruise" the next morning.

The booze cruise was so much fun! They had us put life jackets on and then get on this small boat that would take us to the bigger boat. The boat took us up to this tiny island like place, and all of us jumped right off the boat into the ocean! It was my first time ever just floating around the ocean like that but it felt quite liberating believe it or not. Once back on the boat, me and my sis just laid out on the deck and caught some rays. It was the last thing we were able to do before check out.

After the cruise I went to my room and prepared for check out. My parents thought I would stay with them at their beach house till I leave tomorrow and this is where I have been for two days now. It's pretty secluded, no wifi but thankfully my dad has a usb with internet connection. My first communication with the outside world in 5 days. As much as I've enjoyed this all, I think it's time to go back to reality, all this seclusion is driving me nuts! I have a million and one things to do before I leave to Paris on Saturday! I'm so excited and can't wait to see what that journey has in store for me.... Well I hope I explained the last few days the best I could, as soon as I get more pictures I'll be sure to update and post more.

Until next time my loves, hasta luego...


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